Hello there!
I'm Konstantinos or in short Kostas. I was born in Thessaloniki, Greece in 1991.L2 Galaxy had unique requirements. As a website for a gaming platform it required hooks and parsers to be created to support the existing Java/MySQL back-end. Graph Generation is done in a PHP CLI script on the back-end in 60 minutes intervals to reduce website/database load.
Date: 2013
Technologies: HTML5, Bootstrap Responsive, XML, PHP, MySQL, Graph Generators
An E-Commerce site created for a local retailer. It includes a custom checkout/shipping module that calculates costs in the way the client required.
Date: 2016
Technologies: CS-Cart, Custom template, Custom Shipping Module
This is a simple website created for a gamer. It has a custom hook to a Teamspeak server to provide a live view. The website also includes downloads and Live playback of video files.
Date: 2012
Technologies: Joomla CMS, Custom Joomla components, Flow Player.
Website created for a local conveyor belt factory. Contains a communication page and a product list.
Date: 2011
Technologies: Joomla CMS
Website created for a gaming server. It includes custom Joomla components and hooks to a MySQL server to access data generated by a Java server.
Date: 2010
Technologies: Joomla CMS, Custom Joomla components
Created to host a gaming team I was a member in 2009. There are custom components that keeps the team updated with server information.
Date: 2009
Technologies: Joomla CMS, Custom Joomla components
A small website created in under 2 hours to cover the needs of user newsletter registration in Agrotica 2014.
Date: 2014
Technologies: HTML5, Bootstrap Responsive, PHP, MySQL
Developed as a project during my 5th semester. The project requirements were to create a page that students can register project requests, teachers will approve them and teacher will be notified upon completition.
Date: 2013
Technologies: PHP, CSS, MySQL
This project was devloped as part of my university Thesis. The subject was to create a library that would allow phones to synchronize their databases over unconventional protocols like SMS were data communication is unavailable. A Quick UI was put in place to demonstrate the libraries capabilities.
Date: 2014
Technologies: Android, Java, SQLite, XML, Multi-Protocol, Database Agnostic
As a freelancer I was requested by a student to help him with his university Thesis. The subject was to create an app that will be able to record Ground Analysis data. The catch was that the app was to be created as a component for another system but also as a standalone.
Date: 2016
Technologies: Android, Java, SQLite
Both times I was Team Lead in both projects behind developing the L2j servers. I wrote custom event engines, custom NPCs, custom scripts and took part in day to day operations of the servers.
Date: 2010, 2013
Technologies: Java, MySQL, XML, Multi-Threading, Event Driven, MVC Pattern
Part of the L2 Galaxy bundle was to create an updater application that will allow the user to update to the latest client. The updater is multi-threaded to allow optimal resource usage and uses XML and file hases for differential.
Date: 2013
Technologies: Windows Forms, C++, XML, Multi-Threading
Another Thesis that I made for an undergraduate student. The subject was to redesign and simplify an existing app that will later be used in Algorithms and Structures class.
Date: 2015
Technologies: Windows Forms, C++, Basic Algorithms and Structures
This project was developed in my second semester as part of Optical Programming class. It includes all of the monopoly logic behind the board game.
Date: 2012
Technologies: Windows Forms, C++, Access DB, OLEDB
Designed as part of my Operating Systems class in my second semester. It include a player versus player version and an AI version. The AI version is unbeatable.
Date: 2011
Technologies: Bash, Unbeatable AI